Citizens in the GDR media
Poster 8
Source of image 1 portraying the workers: Das Volk, June 23
Source of image 2: Pravda, June 26
In late June 1953, Das Volk publishes several articles that supposedly present various citizens’ opinions of the riots. The citizens say almost the exact same things and follow the SED party line. They are portrayed as virtuous workers whose commitment to the party and their place of work is unquestioned. The frequent publication of such articles suggests the SED enjoys broad support among the people. Such professions of faith are intended to reinforce socialism, ensure trust in the SED and justify the government’s actions.
At the same time, the Russian newspaper Pravda cites statements by Soviet citizens about June 17. It dedicates an entire page to a rally in Moscow’s factories, which was held on June 26 in support of the GDR government. The Soviet workers condemn the work of “foreign mercenaries,” which once again splits the world into “peaceful workers” and “imperialistic conspirators.” In doing so, they call on the citizens of the GDR “to stand more wholeheartedly behind the government and the SED.” The page design is supposed to give the impression that the Soviet people support the SED’s actions and that together with the East German people they will continue on the “path of peace, democracy and unity.”
In den Wochen nach dem 17. Juni publiziert Das Volk täglich mehrere Artikel, die den Standpunkt verschiedener Bürger*innen zu den Aufständen zeigen. Es werden jedoch nur die Bürger*innen befragt, die auch dem Ideal der DDR entsprechen: Sie sind tugendhafte Arbeiter*innen, die ihrer Partei treu sind und dies auch öffentlich zeigen wollen. Die DDR-Presse suggeriert durch die häufige Veröffentlichung derartiger Artikel einen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Konsens, und die Abwesenheit anderer Positionen in den Zeitungen verstärkt dies umso mehr. Nicht zuletzt lautet der volle Titel von der Zeitung Das Volk. Organ der Bezirksleitung Erfurt der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands. Das Wort „Organ“ leitet sich vom Griechischen ab und bedeutet so viel wie „Werkzeug“. Als Werkzeug hat die Zeitung von vornherein eine propagandistische Funktion. Die Treuebekenntnisse der Bürger*innen dienen dem übergeordneten Zweck, das Handeln der Regierung und der SED zu legitimieren.
Auch die sowjetische Zeitung Prawda lässt ihre Bürger*innen zu Wort kommen. Doch hier besteht ebenfalls Grund zu der Annahme, dass die Artikel nicht nur eine berichtende, sondern auch eine propagandistische Funktion haben. Die Ähnlichkeit zum Vorgehen der ostdeutschen Presse ist unverkennbar.
In the weeks following June 17, Das Volk publishes several articles daily showing the views of various citizens on the uprisings. However, only those citizens who also correspond to the ideal of the GDR are surveyed: They are virtuous workers who are loyal to their party and also want to show this publicly. By frequently publishing such articles, the GDR press suggests a consensus in society as a whole, and the absence of other positions in the newspapers reinforces this all the more. Last but not least, the full title of the newspaper is Das Volk. Organ of the Erfurt district leadership of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. The word „organ“ is derived from the Greek and means something like „tool“. As a tool, the newspaper has a propagandistic function from the outset. The pledges of allegiance of the citizens serve the overriding purpose of legitimizing the actions of the government and the SED.
The Soviet newspaper Pravda also lets its citizens have their say. But here, too, there is reason to assume that the articles have not only a reporting but also a propagandistic function. The similarity to the approach of the East German press is unmistakable.