“What happened in Berlin?”

How the GDR leadership sees June 17

Poster 5

„[…] Die Feinde der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik in Westdeutschland begreifen, dass die praktische Durchführung des Kurses […] zu ihrer Katastrophe führen muss. […]“

Source of the picture: Das Volk, June 18, 1953

One day after the outbreak of the strikes, the East German press publishes an official account of the events. It claims that the Western German government instigated the strikes on behalf of the USA in response to the SED’s “New Course.” They did this because they allegedly wanted to prevent the success of the „New Course“, which was supposed to raise the living standard in the GDR and in the long run lead the German people to peace and unity. The success of socialism in the GDR was supposedly a threat to the West, which is why it had allegedly been planning an attack on the GDR on „Day X“ for a long time.

According to the SED, „Day X“ was now June 17, which is when the „fascist“ West attacked the GDR. For that purpose, the West smuggled into the GDR “fascist” provocateurs, who were supposed to instigate the uprising. However, the alleged coup attempt failed because Soviet soldiers – described as „forces of peace“ (ND, June 18) – intervened in time. From the perspective of the East German press, the consequences are clear: peace and German unity cannot be stopped and can only be achieved through socialism. The capitalist West, however, reveals itself once more as the „enemy“ of the German people.

„[…] die große, von langer Hand geplante Provokation der westlichen Agenturen, für die sie ihren ganzen Apparat einsetzten, und für die sie den Zeitpunkt als gekommen ansahen — ist zusammengebrochen, und das wird tiefe, weitwirkende Folgen haben. […]“

Am 18. Juni wird die offizielle Deutung der Ereignisse in der Ostpresse verkündet: die Streiks seien das Werk „faschistischer Provokateure“, die im Interesse des westlichen Kapitals handeln. Der Westen will angeblich die schnellen Erfolge des „Neuen Kurses“ aufhalten, die bereits wenige Stunden nach der Umsetzung der ersten Maßnahmen verzeichnet werden: Maßnahmen wie beispielsweise die Unterstützung des Interzonenverkehrs, des privaten Handels und des Privateigentums führen laut der DDR-Presse nicht nur zu einem erhöhten Lebensstandard, sondern auch zum Rückgang der Republikflucht und sogar zu einer Zuwanderung neuer Menschen aus dem Westen.

Es wird immer wieder in der Ostpresse betont, dass die Forderungen der Demonstrierenden nicht gerechtfertigt sind: entgegen ihrer Behauptungen ginge es den Aufständischen nicht um freie Wahlen, eine Senkung der Arbeitsnormen und die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands in Frieden und Freiheit, sondern allein darum, die Interessen ihrer westlichen Auftraggeber*innen durchzusetzen. Ihr Ziel sei es, angeblich den 3. Weltkrieg auszulösen, um daraus Kapital zu schlagen und ihren eigenen Machbereich auszuweiten.

On June 18, the Eastern press announced the official interpretation of the events: the strikes were the work of “fascist provocateurs” acting in the interests of Western capital. The West allegedly wants to stop the quick successes of the „New Course“, which were already being recorded a few hours after the implementation of the first measures: According to the GDR press, measures such as support for interzonal traffic, private trade and private property not only lead to a higher standard of living, but also to the decline in people fleeing the Republic and even to immigration of new people from the West.

The Eastern press repeatedly emphasizes that the demands of the demonstrators are unjustified: contrary to their claims, the insurgents are not concerned with free elections, a reduction in labor standards and the reunification of Germany in peace and freedom, but solely with protecting the interests of their enforce western clients. Their goal is supposedly to start World War III in order to capitalize on it and expand their sphere of influence.