[publicclassics] Research opportunity - MSCA COFUND - Iberus Experience Unizar

Maria Jose Estaran mjestaran at gmail.com
Di Nov 2 14:38:44 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announce that the call for applications for an experienced researcher interested in Latin and Palaeohispanic Epigraphies and Cultural Heritage disseminations is open. This is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND contract <https://www.iberusexperience.com/employment-conditions/> framed in the programme Iberus Experience <https://www.iberusexperience.com/> of the Campus Iberus. This is a 3 years working contract, with a gross salary of 37.828 euros/year (+ allowances) and a research budget of 28.800 euros. 

The researcher would work at the University of Zaragoza, within the Titulus research group (Instituto de Patrimonio y Humanidades <https://iphunizar.com/>, Grupo Hiberus <http://hiberus.unizar.es/>, supervised by Francisco Beltrán Lloris, María José Estarán (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Isidoro Aguilera (Museo de Zaragoza). The research line <https://www.iberusexperience.com/research-lines-videos/> would be focussed on Palaeohispanic Epigraphy (for instance, on the sanctuary of Peñalba de Villastar) and its connections with Palaeoeuropean Epigraphy and Latin Epigraphy ("Social and Territorial Development" research line).

For more information about the project, please send an email to mjestaran at unizar.es <mailto:mjestaran at unizar.es>.

Applications are now open <https://www.iberusexperience.com/social-and-territorial-development/> until January 31st 2022. Contracts will start before November 2022.

Best wishes, 

Francisco Beltrán Lloris
María José Estarán Tolosa
Isidro Aguilera

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