[publicclassics] Historia 70.2 /2021: Tyrants, Slaves, Earthquakes, and Familia Publica

Kai Brodersen kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
Mi Apr 7 08:52:35 CEST 2021

Historia 70.2 (2021) has been published. Subscribers, including libraries, have free access to the online version on https://elibrary.steiner-verlag.de/journal/historia/70/2

pp. 134-184

Kõiv, Mait
Why Did the Greeks hate the Tyrants? A Comparative View on Monarchy in Archaic Greece

pp. 185-205

Porter, Jason D.
The Apophora and the "Leasing" of Property to Slaves and Manumitted Slaves in Classical Athens

pp.. 206-241

Borsch, Jonas
Erdbeben im römischen Kleinasien und die Grenzen der Resilienz

pp. 242-266

Easton, Jeffrey
Mostly Work and Some Play: Assessing the Associative Behaviors of the Roman Municipal Familia Publica.

Details on the journal, now in its 70th year, on www.uni-erfurt.de/historia.

Best wishes, Kai

kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de | www.uni-erfurt.de/go/antike-kultur | www.kai-brodersen.eu 

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