[publicclassics] Historia 68 (2019) fasc. 4 published

Kai Brodersen kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
Mi Sep 25 10:57:59 CEST 2019

Historia 68.4 (2019) is published. The fascicle is available in print and (free for all subscribers, including libraries) on https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/fsv/histori/2019/00000068/00000004 .

pp 388-412 Valdes Guia, M. A.: The social and cultural background of hoplite development in Archaic Athens: peasants, debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes (25 pp.)

pp 413-435 Rop, J.: The Phocian Betrayal at Thermopylae (23 pp.)

pp 436-462 Coskun, A.: The Chronology of the Desecration of the Temple and the Prophecies of Daniel 7-12 Reconsidered (27 pp.)

pp 463-488 Telminov, W.: Das ermäßigte Getreide für die Legionäre und die lex militaris des Gaius Gracchus. Zur Frage der Getreideversorgung im römischen Heer des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (26 pp.)

pp 489-520 Cristini, M.: Eburnei nuntii: i dittici consolari e la diplomazia imperiale del VI secolo (32 pp.)

pp 521-522 Gutachten (2 pp)

Best wishes, Kai
X 2019 -IX 2020 c/o Wissenschaftskolleg, Martin-Luther-Str. 14, 17489 Greifswald | www.uni-erfurt.de/altertum/antike |  kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de

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