[publicclassics] OpAthRom 12

Julia Habetzeder Julia at habetzeder.se
Di Nov 26 16:43:41 CET 2019

Dear all,

The Opuscula 12 is now available at https://doi.org/10.30549/opathrom-12. As always, the book reviews are already open access. The articles will be made freely available at ecsi.se six months from now.

This year's volume is a treasure trove for anyone interested in bioarchaeology: it includes Anne Ingvarsson's and Ylva Bäckström's field analysis of the human remains found at Phaleron, Greece - possibly the murdered captives of the so-called "Cylonian conspiracy". Discovered in 2016, the news of this gruesome but important find spread widely. See for instance articles in the National Post (https://nationalpost.com/.../ancient-mass-grave-in-greece-cou...<https://nationalpost.com/news/world/ancient-mass-grave-in-greece-could-hold-remains-of-shackled-soldiers-killed-in-failed-military-coup?fbclid=IwAR0dkrAnlfFoVurIxJqO51jMrpAwwa9lqNtxf_lgs0o6juImVXJ8eymAHJ0>) and the Daily Mail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Have-murdered-followers-Cylon...<https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3540584/Have-murdered-followers-Cylon-Skeletons-80-ancient-men-hands-bound-heads-belong-7th-Century-Greek-rebels.html?fbclid=IwAR2TzEVUpp4UW-HZbrg8uugu3bXbrAnf1itJ6kJZ7urkmOCU1-WiwcjL6p0>).

Also in this issue of the Opuscula are no less than seven articles presenting bioarchaeological remains recovered at the Sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia, Greece.

Furthermore, the volume presents exciting archaeological finds from HalaSultanTekke and Palaepaphos, both on Cyprus. And last but not least one article explores the relationship between Greece and the Levant in the 10th-9th centuries BC - a view from TellRehov.


Julia Habetzeder, PhD, Editor
+46 70 331 83 56

The Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome
c/o Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Stockholm University

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