[publicclassics] Historia 67.4 (2018) published
Kai Brodersen
kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
So Sep 30 08:21:50 CEST 2018
Historia 67.4 (2018) has been published. Subscribers to the print edition can provide free access to
Harris, W. V.: Marginal Land and Population Pressure in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BC to 600 AD
Laughy, M.: The Origins of the Democratic Priestess of Athena Nike
Nicholson, E.: Polybios, the Laws of War, and Philip V of Macedon
Low, P.: Panhellenism without Imperialism? Athens and the Greeks before and after Chaeronea
McAuley, A.:The Tradition and Ideology of Naming Seleukid Queens
Zaccarini, M.: The fate of the lawgiver: the invention of the reforms of Ephialtes and the patrios politeia
Best wishes, Kai
Historia, Universitaet, Nordhaeuser Str. 63, D-99089 Erfurt
www.uni-erfurt.de/geschichte/antike kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
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