[publicclassics] Books on Vocabulary

Kai Brodersen kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
Sa Okt 6 08:58:54 CEST 2018

Dear all,  

I have launched today a couple of books of vocabulary exercises, one for Greek and one for Latin. 

Following the same system as with my grammars, you can download them for free from my web site as a PDF (it will still take some days until they are available for purchase at Amazon for those who want it printed):


You will see that the books present the same square-shaped form as the grammars and their books of exercises. 

Juan C. 

Dr. J. Coderch
Senior Language Tutor in Greek and Latin
The University of St. Andrews
School of Classics
St. Andrews
Fife KY16 9AL
Room C27, Tel. + 44 (0)1334 462611
E-mail: jc210 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Grammar site: http://coderch-greek-latin-grammar.weebly.com 

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