[publicclassics] New in the Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Series: 'Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles)'!

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Do Feb 15 15:00:10 CET 2018

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Now available [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/series/ancient-and-medieval-philosophy-series-1]

Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462701243]

Edited by: Dragos Calma - Zénon Kaluza

Des perspectives nouvelles sur les diverses faces du thème de la tradition au Moyen Age

Le volume étudie comment les médiévaux ont compris et discuté les traditions philosophiques et, ce faisant, de quelle manière ont-ils participé à en formuler de nouvelles. Il analyse également dans quelle mesure les historiens ont-ils reconstitué ce sujet. Réunissant dix-sept études de cas allant de Hugues de Saint-Victor à Pietro Pomponazzi, le volume présente des perspectives nouvelles sur les diverses faces du thème de la tradition.

New perspectives on the various aspects of the theme of tradition in the Middle Ages

The volume studies how philosophical traditions were understood and discussed in the middle ages and how they were used in formulating new ones. In addition, it analyzes the extent to which historians have reconstructed the subject. Bringing together seventeen case studies ranging from Hugh of St. Victor to Pietro Pomponazzi, the volume presents an comprehensive perspective on the theme of tradition.

Take a look inside > [https://books.google.be/books/p/leuven_university_press?id=ivNKDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false]

€ 85,00, ISBN 9789462701243, hardback, 50 p., French/English

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy - Series 1 [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/series/ancient-and-medieval-philosophy-series-1]

BUY YOUR COPY > [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462701243]


Table of Contents




Les visages de la philosophie chez Hugues de Saint-Victor


Savoirs médicaux et traditions philosophiques. Le cas de la mélancolie au XIIIe siècle


Appropriating Traditions of Totality: Reality as a Whole in Albert the Great


Boèce de Dacie et Averroès : essai d’un bilan


Quelques remarques sur Dante et la tradition philosophique


Roger Bacon inspirateur inconnu de Nicolas d’Autrécourt? Le cas des Communia mathematica


Y a-t-il une tradition sceptique au Moyen Âge?


Existe-t-il une tradition matérialiste au Moyen Âge?


Mathématiques euclidiennes et non euclidiennes au XIVe siècle


Réalisme et tradition philosophique chez Heymeric de Campo († 1460)


Tradition thomiste et reforme dominicaine : Une remarque sur la circulation de l’œuvre de Jean Capreolus


Pomponazzi’s Ethics and the Philosophical Tradition

Résumés en anglais – English abstracts

Index des manuscrits

Index des auteurs anciens et médiévaux

Index des auteurs modernes


Previously published volumes in the series [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/series/ancient-and-medieval-philosophy-series-1]

Diogenes of Oinoanda · Diogène d’Œnoanda. Epicureanism and Philosophical Debates · Épicurisme et controverses [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462701014], Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Pierre-Marie Morel, Refik Güremen (eds)

€ 90,00, ISBN 9789462701014, 348 p.

Radulphus Brito. Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462700864], G. Wilson (ed.)

€ 120,00, ISBN 9789462700864, 684 p.

Essays on Plato’s Epistemology [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462700598], Franco Trabattoni

€ 80,00, ISBN 9789462700598, 336 p.

Averroes’ Natural Philosophy and its Reception in the Latin West [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462700468],

Paul J.J.M. Bakker (ed.)

€ 80,00, ISBN 9789462700468, 272 p.

Petri Thomae Quaestiones de esse intelligibili [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462700352], Garrett R. Smith (ed.)

€ 75,00, ISBN 9789462700352, 328 p.

Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos in the Translation of William of Moerbeke. Claudii Ptolemaei Liber Iudicialium [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058679628], Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem, Carlos Steel (eds)

€ 107,00, ISBN 9789058679628, 456 p.

La puissance de l’intelligible. La théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l’héritage médioplatonicien [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462700024], Alexandra Michalewski

€ 82,50, ISBN 9789462700024, 280 p.

Fate, Providence and Moral Responsibility in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern. Thought Studies in Honour of Carlos Steel [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058679703], Pieter d'Hoine, Gerd Van Riel (eds)

€ 140,00, ISBN 9789058679703, 786 p.

Elachista. La dottrina dei minimi nell'Epicureismo [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058679475], Francesco Verde

€ 99,50, ISBN 9789058679475, 460 p.

The Science of the Soul. The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260-c. 1360 [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058679307], Sander W. de Boer

€ 89,50, ISBN 9789058679307, 352 p.

John Pagus on Aristotle's Categories. A Study of the Rationes Praedicamenta [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058679130],

Heine Hansen (ed.)

€ 69,50, ISBN 9789058679130, 311 p.

On the Borders of Being and Knowing. Late Scholastic Theory of Supertranscendental Being [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058678959], John P. Doyle, Victor M. Salas (ed.)

€ 69,50, ISBN 9789058678959, 350 p.

Les dialogues platoniciens chez Plutarque. Stratégies et méthodes exégétiques [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058678546], Xavier Brouillette, Angelo Giavatto (eds)

€ 59,50, ISBN 9789058678546,  X-164 p.

Collected Studies on Francisco Suarez SJ (1548-1617) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058677372], Salas Victor (ed.), Doyle John P.

€ 69,50, ISBN 9789058677372, XVI - 416 p.

The Soul-Body Problem at Paris ca 1200-1250. Hugh of St-Cher and His Contemporaries [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058678027], Bieniak Magdalena

€ 59,50, ISBN 9789058678027, 253 p.

Ancient Perspectives on Aristotles De anima [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058677723], Gerd Van Riel, Pierre Destrée (eds)

€ 49,50, ISBN 9789058677723, 218 p.

Willensschwäche in Antike und Mittelalter. Eine Problemgeschichte von Sokrates bis Johannes Duns Scotus [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058677525], Müller Jörn

€ 135,00, ISBN 9789058677525, X-816 p.

Miroir et Savoir [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058676702], Daniël De Smet, Meryem Sebti, Godefroid De Callatäy (eds)

€ 69,50, ISBN 9789058676702, X-310 p.

Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism. The Dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in Antiquity [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058676252], Mauro Bonazzi, Christoph Helmig (eds)

€ 69,50, ISBN 9789058676252, 326 p.

Henry of Ghent: Metaphysics and the Trinity. With a Critical Edition of Question Six of Article Fifty-Five of the Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058675378], Flores Juan Carlos

€ 41,50, ISBN 9789058675378, VIII-239 p.

Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance. Plato's Timaeus and the foundations of cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058675064], Leinkauf Thomas, Steel Carlos (eds)

€ 72,50, ISBN 9789058675064, XXVI-492 p.

On the Path to Virtue. The Stoic Doctrine of Moral Progress and its Reception in (Middle-)Platonism [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058674760], Roskam Geert

€ 62,00, ISBN 9789058674760, VIII-507 p.

The Eucharist in Theology and Philosophy. Issues of Doctrinal History in East and West from Patristic Age to the Reformation [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058674999], Forrai Réka, Geréby György, Perczel István (eds)

€ 62,00, ISBN 9789058674999, XXVII-474 p.

Platonic Ideas and Concept Formation in Ancient and Medieval Thought [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058674302], Macé Caroline, Van Riel Gerd (eds)

€ 46,50, ISBN 9789058674302, 259 p.

Peter of Auvergne. Questions on Aristotle's De Caelo. A critical edition with an interpretative essay [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058673220], Galle Griet

€ 124,00, ISBN 9789058673220, 640 p.

Henry of Ghent and the Transformation of Scholastic Thought. Studies in Memory of Jos Decorte [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058673299], Guldentops Guy, Steel Carlos (eds)

€ 62,00, ISBN 9789058673299, XII-436 p.

Avicenna and his Heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium Leuven ; Louvain-la-Neuve ( September 8-September 11, 1999) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058672094], De Smet Daniël, Janssens Jules (eds)

€ 55,50, ISBN 9789058672094, XIV-341 p.

History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his Time. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000 [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058672414], Dunne Michael, McEvoy James (eds)

€ 63,00, ISBN 9789058672414, XVIII-645 p.

Henricus Bate. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts XIII-XVI : On Thinking and Happiness [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058671943], Guldentops Guy (ed.)

€ 67,50, ISBN 9789058671943, LVI-409 p.

Proclus et la Théologie Platonicienne. Actes du Colloque International de Louvain (13-16 mai 1998). En l'honneur de H.D. Saffrey et L.G. Westerink [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058670205],  Segonds Alain-Philippe, Steel Carlos (eds)

€ 66,50, ISBN 9789058670205, XLI-699 p.

Aristotle's Zoology and its Renaissance Commentators (1521-1601) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789058670502], Perfetti Stefano

€ 42,50, ISBN 9789058670502, X-258 p.

Tradition et traduction. Les textes philosophiques et scientifiques grecs au moyen age latin [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061869955], Beyers Rita, Brams Jozef, Sacré Dirk, Verrycken Koenraad (eds)

€ 87,00, ISBN 9789061869955, VIII-378 p.

The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061868477], Cleary John J. (ed.)

€ 75,50, ISBN 9789061868477, XXXIV-578 p.

Henricus Bate. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium. Parts XX-XXIII: On the Heavens, the Divine Movers and the First Intellect [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061867760], Guldentops Guy, Steel Carlos (eds)

€ 71,50, ISBN 9789061867760, LVI-563 p.

Forme e modelli di durata nel pensiero medievale L'aevum, il tempo discreto, la categoria "quando" [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061867838], Porro Pasquale

€ 70,50, ISBN 9789061867838, VII-532 p.

Henry of Ghent. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Occasion of the 700th Anniversary of his Death (1293) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061867319], Vanhamel W. (ed.)

€ 50,00, ISBN 9789061867319, X-457 p.

Iohannes Scottus Eriugena. The Bible and Hermeneutics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7-10, 1995 [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061867364], McEvoy James, Steel Carlos, Van Riel Gerd (eds)

€ 49,00, ISBN 9789061867364, XXII-408 p.

Henricus Bate. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium Parts VI-VII: On the Unity of Intellect. On the Platonic Doctrine of the Ideas [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061865841], Steel Carlos, Van De Vyver E. (eds)

Now € 27,00 instead of € 66,50, ISBN 9789061865841, LII-208 p.

Henricus Bate. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium Parts IV-V: On the Nature of Matter. On the Intellect as Form of Man [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061865636], Steel Carlos (ed.),

Now € 27,00 instead of € 66,50, ISBN 9789061865636, LVI-216 p.

L'anthropologie de Gérard d'Abbeville. Etude préliminaire et édition critique de plusieurs Questions quodlibétiques concernant le sujet, avec l'édition complète du De cogitationibus [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061865513], Pattin A.

Now € 35,00 instead of € 87,00, ISBN 9789061865513, XLI-399 p.

An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sînâ (1970-1989). Including Arabic and Persian Publications and Turkish and Russian References [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061864769], Janssens Jules

Now € 16,00 instead of € 54,00, ISBN 9789061864769, XXVII-358 p.

Henricus Bate. Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium Parts XI-XII: On Platonic Philosophy [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061863724], Boese Helmut, Steel Carlos (eds)

Now € 20,00 instead of € 66,50, ISBN 9789061863724, LXXXIV-227 p.

D'Aristote à Thomas d'Aquin. Antécédents de la pensée moderne. Recueil d'articles [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061863748], Verbeke G.

Now € 18,00 instead of € 59,00, ISBN 9789061863748, XVII-644 p.

Guillaume de Moerbeke. Recueil d'études à  l'occasion du 700e anniversaire de sa mort (1286) [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061862987], Brams Jozef, Vanhamel W. (eds)

Now € 27,00 instead of € 89,50, ISBN 9789061862987, X-416 p.

Pour l'histoire du sens agent. La controverse entre Barthélemy de Bruges et Jean de Jandun. Ses antécédents et son évolution. Etudes de textes inédits [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061862635], Pattin A.

Now € 26,00 instead of € 87,00, ISBN 9789061862635, XV-450 p.

Proclus, Elementatio Theologica. Translata a Guillelmo de Morbecca [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061862444], Boese Helmut (ed.)

Now € 18,00 instead of € 61,50, ISBN 9789061862444, XLIV-148 p.

Proclus. Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke. Tome II: Livres V à  VII et Notes marginales de Nicolas de Cues [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061861775], Steel Carlos (ed.)

Now € 26,00 instead of € 87,00, ISBN 9789061861775, VII-487 p.

Repertorium Commentariorum Medii Aevi in Aristotelem Latinorum quae in Bibliothecis Belgicis Asservantur [http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789061860785], Pattin A.

Now € 10,00 instead of € 31,00, ISBN 9789061860785, 160 p.


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