[publicclassics] Zaccarini: The Lame Hegemony. Cimon of Athens and the Failure of Panhellenism

Kai Brodersen kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
Fr Jul 28 17:58:49 CEST 2017

Dr Matteo Zaccarini (Edinburgh) has asked for this announcement to be 
made public via the publicclassics list.


Matteo Zaccarini

The Lame Hegemony:
Cimon of Athens and the Failure of Panhellenism

This work presents an in-depth study and reconsideration of early 
5th-century BC Greek history. Focusing on Athens in the aftermath of the 
second Persian invasion, it reconstructs the chronology, events, and 
context of the first half of this century, through the figure of the 
prominent Athenian politician and general Cimon, son of Miltiades. The 
study deals with themes of politics, economy, religion, military and 
social issues, and reception. The near-complete absence of contemporary 
sources means that the analysis is based mainly on later traditions. 
This study argues that present scholarship needs to be revised in favour 
of source criticism that reinterprets the surviving evidence, by setting 
it against its own contemporary context and by highlighting divergences 
among the sources. The ancient tradition has reshaped and reinvented the 
memory of the period under study along with that of Cimon. By peeling 
away a complex of layered traditions, biased by cultural stereotypes and 
later perspectives, this monograph questions traditional approaches to 
the 5th century BC, opening new ways to address and interpret Classical 
Greek history.

Matteo Zaccarini received his MA from the University of Bologna (Beni 
Culturali and Storia Antica) and in 2013 obtained a joint Dottorato di 
Ricerca (Bologna) and PhD (King’s College London) in Ancient History, 
with a doctoral partnership at UNC Chapel Hill. He has taught and 
engaged in research at Bologna (Ravenna), London (Birkbeck), Verona, 
Trieste, and, currently, at the School of History, Classics and 
Archaeology of the University of Edinburgh. His research and 
publications focus on Classical Greek history, institutional and 
political history, ancient historiography and tradition, and the idea of 
the (Classical) past.

978-88-6923-241-1 , 407 pp., 35.-- Euro
Bononia University Press, Bologna 2017

Order from http://www.buponline.com or any reputable bookseller.

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