[publicclassics] Aeneas Tacticus, Poliorcetica (Greek/German)

Kai Brodersen kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de
Mo Apr 3 13:35:05 CEST 2017

... just published:

Kai Brodersen
Aineias/Aeneas Tacticus: Stadtverteidigung/Poliorketia. Greek and German (Sammlung Tusculum).
Berlin & Boston: De Gruter 2017
200 pp.

Aineias shows how a small city could withstand a siege in antiquity. The book is the oldest military textbook preserved from ancient Greece and provides a unique insight into the world of the fourth century BC beyond the great powers like Athens and Sparta: The focus is on a small polis with its men and women, citizens and foreigners, free men and slaves, officials and ordinary people, all of whom must stand together in a crisis.

This is the first Greek-German bilingual edition for over 150 years. It is published as a hardcover book and also available online.

print ISBN ISBN 978-3-11-054423-7
eBook ISBN 978-3-11-054440-4
€ 39.95 / US$ 45.99 / GBP 32.99
Combo ISBN 978-3-11-054441-1


Best wishes, Kai
Historia, Universitaet, Nordhaeuser Str. 63, D-99089 Erfurt
www.uni-erfurt.de/antike/kontakt kai.brodersen at uni-erfurt.de

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